Huber Social Consultant Learning and Resources
Accreditation Course Outline
Course Outline for 2021
Accreditation Training Packs
Feb 2022 Intensive slides:
Planning and preparing for measurement (measurement activities)
Ethics, data collection and reporting
_ Ethical Standards Principles
Optimise and project management
2021 Accreditation Cohort: Course outline, training pack & session recordings
Huber Hive
The Huber Hive sessions operate on a quarterly basis. They provide an opportunity for the global Consultant community to connect with one another and the Huber Social Team. At each session, we provide you with a strategy update and an opportunity to learn from a peer about their application of the Huber Social Framework, and any lessons learnt.
These sessions are all about connection and shared learning!
February 2021 Huber Hive
May 2021 Huber Hive
August 2021 Huber Hive
November 2021 Huber Hive
April 2022 Huber Hive
The Download
The social impact world is moving at an overwhelmingly fast pace. While this is amazing news for the world we live in, it's almost impossible to stay up to date with all the amazing news, research, innovations and insights. So we're bringing to life the 'no-reading-necessary book club' you've been looking for.
Join us the first Friday of every month for The Download - a discussion of all things wellbeing, social impact and measurement. Bring a coffee or lunch and stay informed.
The discussion is lead by Huber’s Engagement and Development Lead Gillian Hatt, whose passion for all things social impact is infectious.
The first Friday of each month
Virtual (Zoom)
10:30am AWST | 12:30pm AEST | 2:30 NZST
Please contact Nikki if you have not yet received a calendar invite.
You can watch the recordings here.
July 2020: Doughnuts and dashboards
August 2020: Maintaining the COVID momentum
September 2020: A more culturally inclusive measure of wellbeing
No written summary, however conversation was based on the following article: Towards a greater global understanding of wellbeing: A proposal for a more inclusive measure
October 2020: Work and Wellbeing
November 2020: A case study
Homelessness and Wellbeing by Mission Australia
December 2020: Wellbeing and the Arts
Article 1: Understanding Maori ‘lived’ culture to determine cultural connectedness and wellbeing
Article 2: Positing a schema of measurable outcomes of cultural engagement
February 2021: Setting the Scene for 2021
March 2021: Ripple Effects - Indigenous Business Australia Impact Report
April 2021: The World Happiness Report 2021
May 2021: Wellbeing and the Post Pandemic Recovery
June 2021: Community Wellbeing
July 2021: Principles for Measuring Social Impact: Part 1
August 2021: Principles for Measuring Social Impact: Part 2
September 2021: The Fabric of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing
Article 1: The Fabric of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing
Article 2: An Indigenous Approach to the Living Standards Framework
Article 3: He Kahui Waiora: Living Standards Framework and He Ara Waiora. Impacts of Covid-19
October 2021: OECD Working Paper: Standardisation in Social Impact Measurement
November 2021: Standards Australia Measuring Social Value Draft Handbook discussion
December 2021: Reflections on 2021
March 2022: Co-Producing a Theory of Thriving for People Experiencing Financial Disadvantage
Topics A-Z
Contribution and Attribution
A Huber Social Summary on how we apply the different levels of attribution and contribution. The ‘Confidence Ladder’ and how we apply causal attribution strategies.
An academic paper on the challenges of proving attribution and the approaches to date in social impact measurement
Strategies for Causal Attribution a paper form UNICEF research department (2014)
Project Evaluation Vs Impact Measurement
Is Project Evaluation the same as Impact Measurement? An article from the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship (2020)
History of Social Impact Measurement
A history of measurement in the British voluntary sector - Article in International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations · June 2007
Impact Investing
SDG Impact Standards for Private Equity: Principles for measuring impact for private equity, debt and venture capital fund managers.
Responsible Investment Association Australasia Benchmark Report 2019: A high level overview of the Impact investment ecosystem in the region, includes the frameworks that each firm is using.
The Impact Investment Group Impact Report: An example of how the Impact Management Project’s framework has been embedded into an organisation. IIAG use the framework to “help screen investments, manage and assess their impact performance”.
Measuring Wellbeing
The Satisfaction With Life Scale: The original journal paper written by Ed Diener et. al
Social Impact Measurement Ecosystem
All: Huber Social Summary of the social impact ecosystem. A high level assessment of social impact measurement frameworks and methodologies
SROI & Social Value International: The Seven Principles of Social Value and why they are important for accountability and maximising social value. A short report that explains the thinking behind the principles of for accounting for, measuring and managing social value designed by Social Value International. These seven principles underpin the Social Return on Investment framework (SROI).
Classification of Social Impact Measurement Frameworks - 2014
A good introduction to Statistical Significance in a business setting - by Harvard Business Review