Huber Social Consultant Toolkit

All the resources you need to manage a social impact measurement project from start to finish.


Set Up and Policies

Consultant profile template

A template for your consultant profile on the Huber Social website and if we require it for proposals. Please complete the form and return to Nikki along with a high quality picture of yourself.

Consultant Annual Plan

A template to document your plan to achieve your outcomes as a Huber Social Impact Consultant.


Marketing and Brand

Huber Social general brochure

An overview of Huber Social. Includes mission, The Huber Social Wellbeing Measurement Framework, measurement process and case studies.

Example deliverables

Client deliverables where we have permission to share with the community or potential leads. Includes a measurement plan, and both internal facing and external Social Impact Annual Reports.

The Huber Social discussion guide

A useful sales tool to help guide conversations about the framework and a leave-behind with the client or lead. Designed to be printed on A3 quality paper.

Huber Social brand guidelines

Following our brand guidelines protects the strength of the Huber Social brand so that it creates maximum impact for our audience. These guidelines will take you through all the elements of our brand so that they can be used consistently and cohesively.

Huber Social fonts

You will need to download the below fonts before using the Huber Social templates in Word or PowerPoint. The fonts are free as they are originally from Google Fonts. Please download and install to your computer. Make sure you completely close/exit Microsoft Word or PowerPoint before opening any Huber documents (force quit or shut down your computer). You will need to do this for each computer you work on.

Huber Social logo files

Please read through the brand guidelines (above) before using our logo.

Our primary logo colours are blue and gold. Secondary colours provided are white (rev) and black (mono) to be used only if necessary.


Project Management

Huber Social Measurement Process

High level overview of the four client facing stages in the measurement process. A good tool for onboarding the client and helping them understand what to expect.

Huber Social Process Guide for Consultants

A step-by-step of the measurement process from an internal perspective. Includes entry and exit criteria from all stages of the measurement process. This tool helps consultants to manage a project to achieve desired outcomes.

Huber Social Project Timeline Template

An excel document that includes internal and client facing timelines. The template is a starting point and should be tailored to your specific project.



One page slide of the Huber Social Wellbeing Measurement Framework

A useful visual guide for talking through the framework over a Zoom call. When in person the Discussion Guide is typically more useful.

Project Brief

An outline of consultant projects - the scope, fee and timelines. Without this document Huber Social may not be available to support as and when needed.

Consultant Pricing guidelines (2022)

These guidelines set out the licensing fees for use of the Huber Social measurement system by accredited consultants, alongside suggested effort and pricing for complete social impact measurement packages.



Kick Off Meeting PowerPoint Template PPT | PDF

The objectives of this meeting are to:

  • Connect with the team

  • Set the measurement project outcomes

  • Agree the scope of the work

  • Set expectations for the process and what is required from the team in terms of time and effort

Outcomes Workshop PowerPoint Template PPT | PDF

The objective of this workshop is to:

  • Bring the entire team up to speed on why measurement in terms of wellbeing and the measurement project outcomes

  • Gather the information you need to build your Social Impact Measurement Plan (you may have to do this over more than one workshop or with a follow up call for measurement activities)

Social Impact Measurement Plan template

The measurement plan sets out the why, what, how and when of the project. Please ensure you have downloaded the fonts in the marketing section above or the formatting will not work for you.

Social Impact Measurement Plan examples

Needs Assessment Social Impact Measurement Plan template

The measurement plan sets out the why, what, how and when of the project. Please ensure you have downloaded the fonts in the marketing section above or the formatting will not work for you.

The Huber Social Wellbeing Measurement Framework Discussion Guide

Definitions of the high level wellbeing, capability and opportunity factors in the framework. A useful tool to have on hand during outcomes workshops or building a social impact model.

Description of the Outcomes Workshop

This is an example email explaining the purpose of the Outcomes Workshop and providing an agenda for the day. Written for a client.

Outcomes Assessment Tool

An exercise that assess the relevance across all outcomes in the Huber Social framework. This tool informs the measurement plan and the creation of measurement tools.

Sample size calculator

Survey Monkey online calculator to work out the confidence level and margin of error. To work this out you will need to know the population size i.e. the group of people whose views we want represented by the measurement sample.

Ethics Application

When ready, you can apply for ethical review of your project using the link below. Before applying, we strongly urge you to read the application guide to make sure you have all the necessary documents ready beforehand.


During the measure process you may encounter situations where you would like to:

  • Extend the ethics approval of your project

  • Make amendments to the project

  • Provide an annual progress report

  • Inform the board of any ethical concerns or issues that have arisen.

If so, please use the below form to notify the ERB of these situations and seek approval where required.




Published Huber Social Reports to share with clients

Copy this link and send to clients.

Ethics Applications

At the conclusion of the project, once all reports have been presented and sent to clients, please complete an Ethics Close Out Application to notify the Huber Social ERB.