Huber Social Job Portal
Opportunities to work on Huber Social projects or for you to run yourself
Currently Huber Social has no active job opportunities to advertise, but we have included examples below to show you what to expect.
When a new opportunity becomes available, we will notify you by email, as well as advertising here.
Huber Social Opportunities
Accredited Consultants only
Insert Job Title
Insert High level description of job
Dates : 1st Week of Feb 2021 to mid-March 2021
Commitment: :10 hours with report due no later then 1st week of March
Experienced in working with people from another culture then your own
experience in the education system
Reporting to Nicola Adams, Huber Social, Head of Delivery
Accredited Consultants only
Insert Job Title
Insert High level description of job
Dates : 1st Week of Feb 2021 to mid-March 2021
Commitment: :10 hours with report due no later then 1st week of March
Fluent in French
experience in the education system
Reporting to Nicola Adams, Huber Social, Head of Delivery
External Opportunities
Accredited and Probationary
Job Title
High level description of job - A template for your consultant profile on the Huber Social website and if we require if for proposals. Please complete the form and return to Nikki along with a high quality picture of yourself.
1st Week of Feb 2021 to mid-March 2021
10 hours with report due no later then 1st week of March
Accredited Huber Social Impact Consultant
experience in the education system
Reporting to Nicola Adams, Huber Social, Head of Delivery