Stand Tall Wellbeing Survey

Information for Parents

Stand Tall is Measuring Their Impact!

Stand Tall want to make sure that their event is as good as it can be. To be sure that the program is having the impact they want, they’re undertaking measurement of the program. Your child will be asked to fill out a 10-15 minutes survey at school before the event, to establish a baseline and then at the event, at the end of the day, all attendees will be asked to fill out a 5-10 minute survey to see what has changed. This process will help the Stand Tall team know what works or needs to change. You can try the survey yourself here.

The answers your child gives to the survey will be used in a report about the impact of Stand Tall. Their individual results will never be shared. Rather, group results will be used to assess the impact of the event.

This measurement will help make the program as effective as possible at building hope in the lives of young Australians. Below is some important information about the measurement process.

The measurement is independent of your child’s school and of Stand Tall

The measurement is be undertaken by independent social impact measurement agency Huber Social. You’re on our website right now! Have a click around if you’d like to learn more about our approach to social impact measurement.

The surveys are designed to ask about the wellbeing of young people

The survey asks questions about young people’s wellbeing, covering a range of areas including holistic wellness (physical/mental/emotional health), resilience, hope, connection, social skills and satisfaction with the event as well as some demographic questions. Occasionally, the questions about what your child feels and thinks of their life might trigger deeper thoughts or conversations post survey about areas you child might be struggling in. The survey includes suggestions and links to people they can speak to if this happens.

The surveys are voluntary and your consent is required

Doing the survey is completely voluntary meaning your child only has to do it if they want to and you consent. Your child can still attend Stand Tall if they don’t take part in the survey. Simply let them know to click ‘no’ on the first page asking for consent.

The surveys are confidential

Your child’s answers will remain confidential and private. Stand Tall, and their school will never see their individual answers. They will not be asked for their name or other identifying data.

Your child’s answers will be stored securely in the Huber Social Wellbeing Database and may be used in future measurement projects. However, as previously mentioned, their individual results will never be shared. If you’d like to learn more, you can see Huber Social’s Privacy Policy here.

Instructions for completing the survey can be found in the survey

Everything your child needs to know will be included in the survey on the day. They’ll also be given a chance to opt out themselves if they don’t consent to participate.

Ethics Review

This measurement has been reviewed and approved by the Huber Social Ethical Review Board, a registered Human Research Ethics Committee that reviews all Huber Social measurement projects. If you have any questions or would like to know more, you can email

If you’d like to chat to someone at Huber Social about the survey, you can email

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